Actor Lissy Lakshmi and filmmaker Priyadarshan, who had applied for divorce earlier this year, officially ended their marriage on Friday. In an official statement, Lissy said that the process of ending the marriage was an ordeal, and that she is relieved that it is completed.
Lissy married Priyadarshan in 1990 and quit acting at a time when her career was flourishing.
In her statement, Lissy wrote that celebrity divorces in the recent past were mutually agreed to, including those of Hrithik Roshan and Sussanne Khan, Dileep and Manju Warrier and AL Vijay and Amala Paul. “I am sure it also must have been painful to these couples, but whatever differences they may have had, they all decided to respect each other,” she wrote.
The end of her marriage, on the other hand, “was often fierce and uncivilized battle on and off the courts until a compromise was reached at the Honorable High Court Chennai. Perhaps the ugliness of our divorce proceedings says all about the kind of marriage we have had," she wrote.
She added that she felt relieved that the process had been completed. “This is the end of a long and often very difficult road. All of us can now move on.”
Lissy also thanked her children, her lawyers, friends and well-wishers for their support, as well as the media for being “kind with their words”.
Here is the full statement:
"My marrige with Mr. Priyadarsan officially ended today. We both have signed the final papers at the Honourable Family Court here in Chennai today. This has been a real ordeal. In recent times all celebrity divorces, from Hrithik and Sussane to Dilip and Manju to most recently Amala and Vijay all have been mutually agreed divorces. I am sure it also must have been painful to those couples but whatever differences they may have had, they all decided to respect each other. Ours was the only exception were it was often fierce and uncivilised battle on and off the courts until a compromise was reached at the Honourable High Court Chennai. Perhaps the ugliness of our divorce proceedings says all about the kind of marriage we have had.
Anyways I feel relieved now . This is the end of a long and often very difficult road. All of us can now move on. I thank all my lawyers, friends and well wishers for their unconditional support and prayers. I thank those friends in the media who has been kind with their words.I am greatful to both my children for all their love affection and support. Above all I thank God Almighty."
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